3 Month Check Up

Doctor visits Add comments

Today was another weigh in…  The medical establishment wants to see how Noah is growing.  So much pressure.  Luckily Noah is calm under pressure (unless by pressure you mean going to bed, getting in his car seat, or being hungry).

Luckily Noah passed all of these “tests”.  He is growing nicely.  He is 24.5 inches long (which is in the 67th percentile for kids his age) and weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz. (30th percentile).  He also got two shots which we can say he was less then calm for.

Kate had a hard time seeing Noah cry after his shots so we went for ice cream to help ease the pain.

One Response to “3 Month Check Up”

  1. Queens Rules! Says:

    New rule: the word “percentile” is now banned.

    That is all.