Chinese food at The Urbans

Chilling, Grandparents, Uncle Tim Add comments

It’s been a rough few days.  Noah has a cold that’s been keeping him up at night, and I’ve been too tired or busy to take photos…  but tonight (Uncle) Tim wanted people to meet up for some take out at Tex and Nana Urbans.  Good call Tim.



Noah attacking Nana Urban.



When Noah’s cold caught up with him we came home…


…hopefully some fresh NH air will help everyone.

3 Responses to “Chinese food at The Urbans”

  1. Auntie Mindy Says:

    Are you going to NH this weekend?

  2. amanda Says:

    he’s getting so big, and his face is so expressive. We miss you guys.
    Have a good trip

  3. Moira Kelly Says:

    I love chinese take-out!! and all those enjoying it! Amanda is right…his face is so expressive now! Man, I’ve got to get up there to kiss that little face! Enjoy NH!…and Kreg, I hope you feel better!