Welcome to Providence

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First they strap you in so you can’t move, then they smack you around…  We spent New Year’s Eve with The Deaners in their great new house in Providence, RI.  Julian is getting big.  He’s 7 months old now and crawling all over.


Leaving NH and AM

Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Grandparents, Holidays 1 Comment »

The snow fell to break our hearts as Aunt Mindy headed back to NC and we headed to RI.



Hay!!! Brunch!!

Friends, Holidays 3 Comments »

Sarah and Oliver Hay invited us, and two other couples each with their own kid, over for brunch.


David, Alex, and Henry.


Anna (Daughter of Scott and Erika)



Oliver, Henry, and Sarah




Post Christmas Party at Uncle Gerry and Aunt Paula’s

Auntie Mindy, Grandparents, Holidays 1 Comment »

A post Christmas get together at my Uncle Gerry and Aunt Paula’s…


…which turned into a Dance Dance Revolution party.



(Above photo by Kate)


