May 31 2009
On Friday morning we drove up to Providence to help The Deaner’s celebrate Julian’s First Birthday.
The drive was a sweaty one.
We walked over to the coffee shop where Julian tried to make friends with everyone.
Then some dinner.
Then Julian made friends with a dog.
...according to Kreg
May 28 2009
People tell me all the time not waste money on fancy toys, cause the kid will just play with the box. People also tell me not to “let your kids walk all over you”. Whatever, parenting is tiring.
Conquering Mt. Dad.
All photos by Kate.
...according to Kreg
May 27 2009
Introducing Noah to theater…
...according to Kreg
May 26 2009
Noah’s second pair of sunglasses.
...according to Kreg
May 25 2009
Sunday we snagged a hill top spot in Prospect Park and sat there most of the day. Susan, Richard, Wiley, and Ryder joined us, as well at Mark, Jen, and Lou. Everyone seemed to have the same thing in mind, just… straight… chilling…
Lou and Wiley.
Ryder, after enjoying a lemon ice.
Noah confronting his fear of bike helmets.
Here is a photo of me holding the bike helmet in my hand, and he still hates it.
...according to Kreg
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