Happy Birthday Aunt Mindy!!

Chilling, Grandparents, Holidays Add comments

Today is Aunt Mindy’s 30th Birthday!! To celebrate we are going to go back in time…  to Sunday…  Father’s Day 2009…  Hold on…

I guess my Father’s Day gift to myself was to not take many photos, and watch golf all day.  So, in short, stop doing something I do all the time, and watch something I never do.  Whatever, there wasn’t much to do, my Dad needed to drink all this stuff to get ready for surgery, and Kate, Noah, and my Mom had left to pick up Mindy (who was on TV the other day).


When Noah and the girls got home he had a bottle with his Grampa.



Anyone know what kind of bugs these are?  They are eating everything up at my parent’s house, and it’s making Noah bummed.


One Response to “Happy Birthday Aunt Mindy!!”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    Thank you so much.