We woke up in D.C. on Sunday morning and were back in Brooklyn by 1 pm. Just in time for Noah to eat (i.e., make a mess of) some avocado.
He’s really getting good at making a mess.
Amanda Friedman was in town from L.A. so after cleaning Noah up we hit the road again to meet up with her, but the rain that followed us from NC (or maybe it followed us to NC and back) slowed us down.
We met up with Amanda and it started raining again, so we raced back to our apartment. Noah did a few laps with her and then went to bed.
July 31st, 2009 at 1:45 pm
So what do you do when your son gets avocado in his eye….looks scary?
July 31st, 2009 at 1:50 pm
Kate – Freak out.
Kreg – Point and laugh.
(He didn’t actually get the avocado in his eye, luckily)