Jul 24 2009
Vacation must be going well, I am having a hard time remembering what day it is.
We got a different bike, with a different seat for Noah. We also had some books wrapped in plastic bags to see if we could prop him up better.
Make friends with the bike helmet.
After our ride we went down to the beach.
I went to put in my contact lenses on the first day here and one of them was the size of a quarter. I’ve never seen that before, and maybe it was from the flight back from LA, but I didn’t bring a back up pair so I’m stuck wearing my glasses.
A quick nap.
A sandcastle that was left deserted (we didn’t make it, and Noah didn’t want to destroy it surprisingly).
Back to the house, and Nana who was talking to Diane.
After getting cleaned up we went to Jazz Night at a local spot, for some food, drinks, and an epic sunset.
...according to Kreg
Jul 22 2009
Monday was a beach day. Time to get some sun, time to explore that ocean.
Years ago we were in Avon for Mark and Sara’s Wedding. The house they got married in is about 6 houses down the road.
(Photo by Kate)
(Photo by Kate)
...according to Kreg
Jul 21 2009
Slow going Sunday morning. The house is comfy and the coffee is good, so no reason to rush.
Tim having a morning smoke.
Kate, Tim, and I decided to go rent some bikes. Noah approved of his seat.
Noah not approving of his helmet.
Anne Kennedy, who lives in Avon, came over to take Tim and I surfing.
(Surfing photos by Kate)
Anne tearing it up. Tim and I a probably drowning somewhere off camera.
Mike Kennedy (Anne’s Dad).
...according to Kreg
Jul 20 2009
On Saturday we woke up in Richmond, VA. After a stop for some breakfast we were off to Avon, NC.
“Honey Whyte’s All-American Cafe”
Traffic was terrible, but we made it, and we only needed one wardrobe change.
...according to Kreg
Jul 19 2009
On Friday we set out for NC. Our plan was to take our time, spend the night in Richmond, VA, and then stroll into Avon, NC on Saturday.
First we had to get the van packed, but Opa was on it…
A late lunch. Noah had a few bites of a sour pickle.
Making it to the hotel.
“Art photo”
...according to Kreg
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