For the Love of Noah and his first Birthday!

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NYC & Noah's 1st Birthday 012

NYC & Noah's 1st Birthday 013

NYC & Noah's 1st Birthday 018

I think this is when Kreg looked at me and said, “Mindy can you take the balloons?”.

I have some videos to post as soon as I master this blog.  My hopes are before Noah is 2, I will get them posted:).  I had a great weekend in NY.  It was fun to see everyone at the party.


3 Responses to “For the Love of Noah and his first Birthday!”

  1. Kreg Says:

    This was 1/2 a block from our apt. and I’m already defeated. I’m a sad, broken man (boy).

  2. Aunt Mindy Says:

    I beg to differ, Kate and I helped carry that cooler back from the park after people drank out of it for a few hours on the down slope and it was HEAVY. Kreg took one for the team b/c he pulled it with 2 cases of bottles on a slight incline on the way to the party…..once I secured the balloons he rolled on!

  3. Lenny & Janet Hamel Says: