Sep 30 2009
While we were pretending to live in Long Island this weekend Kate’s cousin, and our new (pretend) neighbor Kat invited us over for dinner.
Did you see this article about poodle decoration? Amanda F. showed it to me when I was in L.A. I couldn’t look at Murphy the same way.
Noah was wiped out when we got back to Emmett and Lisa’s. He was crawling all over Kat’s house. Up the stairs, down the stairs, on the rug, on the tile… He wouldn’t stop. He starting to get into taking a few more steps too.
...according to Kreg
Sep 29 2009
Saturday morning, up bright and early. Angus and Noah both battling to be the first awake. Kate and I both battling to try and be the last.
After a trip to the bagel store and a change into some freshly laundered clothes we play fetch with Angus.
Angus was good, so he gets a treat.
...according to Kreg
Sep 28 2009
Emmett and Lisa were at a wedding this weekend so Kate, Noah, and I crashed their house to watch their dog Angus and see what life would be like if we lived in Wantaugh.
With our poor planning and traffic we got there with time for Noah to eat and then go to bed.
...according to Kreg
Sep 26 2009
The Deaner’s were here. The Deaner’s enjoy a good hot dog. There is that new hot dog spot down the street from us. I needed to eat something greasy. Done.
Julian had a little fruit before his main course.
Noah had beans.
“The Bark Dog”
While I was taking that photo, Joshua was wondering if he should have another…
...according to Kreg
Sep 25 2009
Wednesday morning we got up and life was pretty much back to normal after all our time apart.
Noah was even dancing around (here he is in mid shimmy), happy to have us back.
Then The Deaner’s showed up…
…and all at once, everything was upside down again.
Truth be told, we were really happy to have The Deaner’s over, and excited for Joshua who won a rather impressive contest for a book he designed (see an interview with him here). Wednesday night us grown-ups celebrated at a swanky awards party for the book, Julian and Noah stayed home.
...according to Kreg
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