There’s an on going debate about when Noah can get his first 4 wheeler. My dad is ready to get him on one now, but Kate is pretty skeptical and thinks Noah might need to be “double digits” first. When we were up in NH for Noah’s birthday party my cousin Kevin came over with his two sons Dillon and Zack. Dillon who is 5 drove his own 4 wheeler a few miles to get to my parents house.
Noah checking it out.
“Is this how you start it Grampa?”
This is where Dillon realizes that Noah is definitely going to steal this thing, “Brooklyn style”.
Might be time to rethink those age restrictions Kate, everyone’s got a 4 wheeler now it’s no big deal.
September 6th, 2009 at 11:29 am
Great blog, it was like a story!!!! So what do you think Kate?