Visitors from another planet… (I mean another state, Florida).

Chilling, Eating, Family, Grandparents Add comments

Moira and Hilary were in town from The Sunshine State on Monday, and they came to Nana’s house (where Noah and I were setting up the new computer) bearing gifts…

Then back to our apt. for some chili and chilling.

Some milk before bed, as Kate gives me an evil eye for not taking more photos, and Moira feigns sympathy for Noah…  or something.

As a bonus, here was the car Monday night (two days after the snowstorm).

Good news is, I dug it out Tuesday.

One Response to “Visitors from another planet… (I mean another state, Florida).”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    Hey Noah, I am so sorry, I forgot to tell your dad to pass on my Happy 16 Month Birthday yesterday!!! You are getting so big. Less than 24 hrs and I will see you. I love you. Xo AM