
Chilling, Fancy 2 Comments »

I read something once that basically said, after being in a space (apartment or house) more then 6 months, you no longer decorate.  We are bucking that stat and painting Noah’s room (finally, and with “no VOC paint“).  Not easy to clean, tape, and paint a room when the little man wants to run around.

I piled up his toys in the living room, but it only distracted him a little.


The moon is acting crazy lately.  It followed us on a quick trip to Crate and Barrel.

Back at home, Noah hinted that we should paint the hallway too.

Flicks of Noah’s room coming soon.

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Exercise, Friends, Learning 1 Comment »

We had been trying to make plans with Julia, Benoit, and Louis for a while.  They live close, we just couldn’t get it together until one rainy day in NYC when we met up with them at the new Brooklyn Children’s Museum.  Unfortunately, we weren’t the only parents who thought about going to the museum that day.

Louis and Noah went straight for the water.

Noah spent some time watching the other kids…

…and trying to stay out of the way, but he was into it.  (Look at the glistening neck.  I tried to give you some photos without the bib, but the drool comes quicker when Noah is having fun.)

Someone pretended to rob the pretend store.

Noah was psyched on the turtles.

Pro haircut

Fancy, Hygiene Comments Off on Pro haircut

Up until now, I had been Noah’s hair stylist.  The other weekend I passed the reigns to someone much more qualified, Lucus.

Noah was kind of ok with it, especially if he had something to chew.


Thanks for making Noah a little more respectable Louis.

Darpan’s Birthday

Chilling, Friends Comments Off on Darpan’s Birthday

I thought maybe I’d stay in bed a while, but look at those two out there making a racket.  Not to mention there was a lot to do that day.  Look at those piles of laundry that we did out at Emmett and Lisa’s, those don’t fold themselves.

Noah is still psyched on his new chair from Nana and Opa.

Every year Kate’s friends from high school meet up after the holidays, using Darpan’s birthday as an excuse.

Sebastian (with his parents Michele and Dave) was there.

“Hey Sebastian, what’s going on behind you?  Is that the end of The Patriots dynasty?  Sure looks like it.”

Lou, Avi, and Maya.  All of probably Jets fans.  Probably heckling me.

Layla showing me the crayon tattoo she gave herself.

Dave teaching the kids proper driving techniques.

Caitlin showing Maya proper writing techniques.

As Noah woke he grunted softly, “I had a dream that The Pats were blowing it Dad.”  I gently rubbed his back and replied, “It wasn’t a dream my son.  It was a nightmare.”

Ellen and Austin get to see Layla’s drawing.


Darpan was too slow at blowing out his candles.

Ryan’s pictures of the Mineola High School crew never include the girls…

…until you heckle him.

Noah taking out his frustrations over The Patriots loss, on Sponge Bob.

Darpan was being a good dad and polishing his daughters nails as we were saying goodbye to everyone.

We pack up and hop back onto the train, which was filled with people in there underwear.  Looks fun(n’t)!

I like that, “(n’t)”.

Thanks to Darpan and Erica for having us over, always a great time.  Kate would like to thank The Patriots for blowing it, now Noah can retire his jersey for a while.

Urban Christmas

Aunt Lisa, Family, Fancy, Grandparents, Holidays, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs) 1 Comment »

“You still feeling sick Noah?”

PSYCH!!  Lets go open some more presents!!!

Out to Emmett and Lisa’s we go for Urban Family Christmas!!

Gotta make sure the tree is still perfect.

Gotta make sure we get some attention from Nana.

Gotta catch up with Uncle Matt.

Then we gotta get to these presents.

(photo by Kate)

A big stuffed elephant from Uncle Matt.

An amazing chair from Nana and Opa for Noah.

High five Opa.

Wasted, all those gifts…

Gotta steal some snacks to get the strength back up.

Time to get all these gifts together and head home.

Thanks Emmett and Lisa for hosting, and thanks to everyone for the thoughtful gifts and good times.