New Years Eve in PVD

Chilling, Eating, Friends, Holidays Add comments

We left NH to spend New Year’s Eve in Providence with The Charest’s’s and The Deaner Fam.

First thing first, get the kids fed.  Benjamin got right to work.

Julian kept it portable.

Noah was sliding down in Julian’s chair, so he struggled to even see what he was eating.

I showed Noah how we live it up on New Year’s Eve!!

He looked at me like I was crazy.

(Flick by Joshua)

Let the party BEGIN!!! BALDERDASH!!

6 people with kids that’ll have us up early, what do you expect?

Happy New Year!

One Response to “New Years Eve in PVD”

  1. Mark Says:

    What a fun CRAZY night of balderdash, avacado, and thumbs down hornblowing. Miss you all already.