Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Exercise, Friends, Learning Add comments

We had been trying to make plans with Julia, Benoit, and Louis for a while.  They live close, we just couldn’t get it together until one rainy day in NYC when we met up with them at the new Brooklyn Children’s Museum.  Unfortunately, we weren’t the only parents who thought about going to the museum that day.

Louis and Noah went straight for the water.

Noah spent some time watching the other kids…

…and trying to stay out of the way, but he was into it.  (Look at the glistening neck.  I tried to give you some photos without the bib, but the drool comes quicker when Noah is having fun.)

Someone pretended to rob the pretend store.

Noah was psyched on the turtles.

One Response to “Brooklyn Children’s Museum”

  1. Mark Says:

    Looks like a fun day. We went to the Aquarium last week but it’s not as interactive at that Museum. Nice shots! I just got my camera. I’ll have to pay a visit for a tutorial :]