18 Month Check Up

Bummed, Doctor visits 2 Comments »

As I type this, snowflakes the size of golf balls are falling from the sky, and even though I just got back from CO, my stomach aches a little wishing I could be sitting on a chairlift watching this instead of sitting in this uncomfortable chair looking at the snow through wooden blinds.  That is today, this post is about yesterday and as you can see, there wasn’t any snow as we set off for Noah’s 18 month check up.

Going to the doctor is a little different now, Noah is starting to figure out the pattern.  Cold hands, cold table, shots…

Weight, 22 lb 2 oz.  Height, 31.5 inches.

After checking his ears came the shots, no flicks ’cause we needed all hands on deck.  After the shots came a lollipop though and things seemed to slowly get better.

Goodnight Nana and Grampa

Chilling 3 Comments »

After his bath and some milk, Noah soaked in all the love he could before going to bed.

It’s ok, Nana and Grampa milked it too.

Nana and Opa’s with Nana and Grampa

Chilling, Eating, Grandparents, Partying, Uncle Tim 1 Comment »

A little “risky business” after the Children’s Museum and a nap.

Tofu and lentils for lunch.

Dude lost a wheel in the middle of one of the busiest intersections in Brooklyn.

Nana and Opa Urban were having some friends over so we stopped by to see everyone and have some drinks and snacks.

Uncle Tim stopped by too.

The walk home.

Noah telling Nana Holt that our tub isn’t as exciting as their shower/jacuzzi/game show booth.

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Art, Exercise, Grandparents, Learning, Psyched 1 Comment »

A week or so ago, before I took off to snowboard in one of the few areas on this planet where I don’t cell or internet connection, my parents were in town and we all took Noah to The Brooklyn Children’s Museum.

We started things off at the fake grocery store.

Then we laughed at some real (small) turtles.

I’m still working on phasing out these bibs, we’re almost there.

Noah’s new thing is trying to swim…

It might be fun to try to swim in, but the cork pit doesn’t taste very good.

Shake the cork pieces out.

Look at this bib…  see why he needs one?  Especially when he is having fun.

“Time to get out of here?”


Presents and Lunch with Nana and Grampa Holt

Eating, Grandparents, Psyched Comments Off on Presents and Lunch with Nana and Grampa Holt

When Noah woke up Saturday morning, KABOOM!  Nana and Grampa Holt were there.  Crazy world…  and they came bearing gifts.

Noah showing Grampa one of his favorite books.

Eventually we got ready and went out for some lunch.

Nana was cozy.

Noah was trying to nap before we even got our food, and he was nice enough to be patient while we ate it.

“Done yet?”

The new backpack is amazing.