
Chilling, Exercise, Friends Add comments

Our story left off with our hero hungry and needing a nap.  After eating and getting horizontal it was back outside, this time to Prospect Park.  After the weather of the weekend before, both the park and people in it were crazy.  Kids climbing on fallen trees with parents who were out of practice at wrangling their kids in an open space.


Noah’s friend Savannah stop by with her parents Aransas and Andy.

Alright..  warning.  Pretty sappy stuff right here.  Ring-around-the-rosie…  cute..  I know Noah’s uncles are pretty tough though, so I’ll give them this to think about instead.

Claim:  Ring around the rosie is a coded reference to the Black Plague.

Tough love.

Spies, and the bikini’s weren’t even out yet.

Thanks to Savannah and her parents for meeting up with us.

One Response to “Afternooning”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    It is a pretty well known fact that I the aunt am sappy, I need to hang with the uncles a little more:).

    I am not going to lie, I could have shed a tear looking at how happy and sweet Noah is. These pictures are amazing and just makes my heart smile to see him grow and have so much fun. I mean he already knows Ring A Round the Rosie—seriously. He is truly amazing, we are all so lucky to have him in our lives.

    Noah, I love you and can not wait to see you in May, it looks like we are going to have a lot of fun since your are learning so much.

    Love AM xoxo