A little time at the park after day care

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Noah and I went to the park with Savannah and her dad Andy after day care last week.

We were having fun, but from the minute we got there Noah was preoccupied.  All he could think about were Firetrucks.

…and anytime he thought he heard one, he ran to try and see it.

…and when he didn’t see a firetruck, he was bummed.

We tried to shake it off, but you could see the thoughts of firetrucks (and sometimes buses) were weighing heavy on him.

Savannah even tried to distract him…

…but it was no use.  He was a boy on a mission, and that mission was to stare at this red/orange brick building (which is a firestation) until a firetruck came out… or until I told him it was time to go home and eat something.

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