Walking about

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Errands.  Definitely a recurring storyline.  Sometimes good things happen while taking care of these chores.  Sometimes you run into great florists like Phoebe with cute babies like Magalie.

One more..

Phoebe, Magalie, and Cal (husband, dad, photographer and during his down time, delivery man) were busy so we let them get back to work.  We made a stop at Sahadi, where you get a number and wait…  Noah tried to sabotage our place in line by destroying the piece of paper with our number on it.

Pickled whateves.

Competition blooms

Chilling, Eating, Exercise, Friends 2 Comments »

Last Sunday we met up with Michelle at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens for the Cherry Blossom Tsunami!!



I didn’t see it at first, but then before I could catch my breath I realized…  I had competition.

I not only had competition photographing the trees, I had serious competition photographing Noah.

It was like being bitten by a shark (not that I would know).  You try to stay calm, grab your baby, and swim to shore bleeding as little as possible.

But as you swim you realize you are doomed.  There are sharks everywhere, and they are getting really close.

We made our way out of the Tsunami/War Zone and as we walked towards lunch we saw Charlotte from day care eating some ice cream with her dad Raul.

Then we saw a dog trying to mail himself somewhere.

…and finally, lunch.

Thanks for coming out Michelle!!  You helped us survive.

Scarf, no pants

Chilling, Fancy 1 Comment »

Sitting on the couch, just trying to watch The Masters.

Da Bronx for Eastah!

Chilling, Eating, Family, Holidays, Uncle Tim 1 Comment »

Nana and Opa Urban deserted the family for Easter, choosing to spend their time in Europe..  Fancy.  Luckily Kate’s cousin Carolyn and Aunt Diana had us up to their Bronx compound for some festivities.

Noah’s Uncle Tim and I got right to shaving up horseradish, which I volunteered for too quickly.   Never rush to burn out your sinuses.  You can see Tim trying to catch his breath.  (Photo by Kate.  Not my sippy cup)

Victoria and Michelle showed Noah around.

Personalized eggs, fistful’s of bread…

and a big bowl of horseradish.

Noah after getting a good whiff.

After eating we took a trip to a nearby park.  Noah took the long way by walking into every driveway.

Cars on I-95.

The park was lawless so we had to break out.

Victoria, Jessica, and I waiting for dessert.

Thanks to the Bronx fam. for having us!!

Messing around

Chilling, Chores, Exercise 3 Comments »

Noah and I were chilling last weekend, messing around with our camera’s, and waiting for Kate/Mom.

It was nice out though so we packed it up and went to the park.

Something wasn’t right with this swing, but we just couldn’t put our finger on it.

The second swing we tried worked a lot better.
