Saturday a.m. with A.M. (and J.D.)

Auntie Mindy, Chilling, Eating, Shopping Add comments

We had a full house on Saturday morning.  Joshua had spent the night and Noah’s Aunt Mindy flew up from NC to shower Noah with books.

and mystery presents..!!..

Mindy’s newfangled iPad, great for watching videos of firetrucks.

We took a walk up to the Brooklyn Flea (market).

Joshua “dared” me to post this photo.

My hand, at the bottom, holding an open faced fresh cut prosciutto snack.  Joshua’s hand, at the top, trying to steal from me.

Inspirational art for sale.

“Noah, One piece of food at a time!”

From Joshua Noah got quesadilla, from him Mom he got grilled cheese, from Aunt Mindy hugs.

Good times.

Before drove back to RI, Joshua gave us this family portrait.

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