Jun 24 2010
Father’s Day at Emmett and Lisa’s, Noah got himself psyched up with a nap in the car.
Emmett’s foot, Noah’s flip flop.
Aunt Lisa.
More sweat.
The Uncles, and Angus.
The illustration on the tie is of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, given to a lawyer…
Noah was psyched on the card Opa got for his birthday.
“Extra large digits”
Noah’s father (photo by Noah’s mother).
...according to Kreg
Jun 23 2010
Saturday morning, after a run, and some shopping at the farmer’s market, we got lunch.
Kate, always with that mothers admiring look on her face. Never faking.
After a nap for some and soccer for others we walked in the bright sun over to Nana and Opa’s to drop Noah off for the night.
Noah always psyched to see his grandparents. Never faking.
...according to Kreg
Jun 22 2010
On Thursday I picked up Noah from day care where he had a fever that he couldn’t kick. When he woke up on Friday he was looking a little tired, and even though his fever broke, we decided to keep him home from day care. Being home from day care with dad always means one thing, hiking… or as Nana Holt would put it… “Run roads”. I guess really what Noah would call it is “kick back while dad pushes”.
It’s cool though, we see things like straw huts in the middle of nowhere.
We checked out a playground that we see while running, a playground that looked good but upon closer inspection was pretty creepy with sculpture of dogs about to bite kids.
The cut-out things were cool though.
From the loop in the park this looks bridge looked really fun. Up close.. not so much..
Even the “water feature” looked like it wanted to attack us.
So we broke out.
Banana chip ice cream.
A gross spot Noah wanted to climb into.
Lil’ dude is getting so smart…
Good, solid times.
...according to Kreg
Jun 21 2010
Before we begin there are a few things I missed out on posting over the weekend.
1) Happy Birthday to Opa Urban (his birthday was Saturday)
B) Happy Father’s Day to Opa Urban and Grampa Holt
•) Congrats to Mindy for jumping out of a perfectly well running plane and enjoying it!
Aight, so.. the other weekend… We met up with Christina and Ada, Aransas and Savannah at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Dinner (was a struggle, both kids were still hyped on running and not hyped on sitting).
...according to Kreg
Jun 20 2010
...according to Aunt Mindy
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