Last Sunday we drove out to Huntington, NY to see Dave, Michele, Sebastian and newly born Veronica. Noah took a little nap on the way out, it took some time for him to wake up.
At least Santa was there to make things a little more “real”.
Sebastian, with toys!
Dave, Michele, Sebastian, and Veronica have a HUGE backyard with tons of room for smashing balls..
…and finding feathers.
Inside isn’t so bad either, with a bunch of HUGE rooms for playing with toys…
…but we were there to see Veronica, who is all of a month old.
Back to the outside.
I’ll take full credit for this “seating arrangement”.
Dave and Michele giving Noah a little pre-birthday, birthday cake.
Dave multitasking.
Bubbles, always a crowd favorite.
Bye Dave!
Bye Santa #3!
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:44 pm
Happy Birthday Noah. Hope it was a great party.. Sorry I missed it !!
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:46 pm
Correction ! Sorry I missed it !