Oct 16 2010
First breakfast. Eggs and a biscuit with jelly.
After breakfast a trip to Williamsburg, our old neighborhood, for a little shopping and some time at an old playgound.
Guaranteed drama, bring a Barbie® Escalade® or Jeep® or whatever® to a playground.
...according to Kreg
Oct 15 2010
Hanson Place Day Care is holding a fundraiser. With your support we can reach our goal. All profits earned from this sale go towards the day care and it’s various programs.
All you need to do to go shopping is click on the following “Peep” link. It will take you to the online catalog. There are lots of great items that you can purchase, like wrapping paper! Best of all these items will be delivered right to your door.
By clicking on the above link Noah Holt (aka “Lil’ Dude”) will automatically get credit for the purchase. If the above link does not take you to the online store just visit www.isupportfundraising.com and register using this student code S387057
Our sale will end October 29th. Please click on our shopping link today!
Thank you for your support!
...according to Kreg
Oct 15 2010
I don’t go looking for trash monsters, they come looking for me.
The seal on the door of the building that houses Noah’s day care.
The walk to the Savas’s.
Andy, slowly turning into just another competitive photographer.
Lil’ dude, big pretzel.
We misplaced Noah’s belt for a few days. We found it, but we almost has a complete disaster on our hands. Noah only has 2-3 pairs of pants that will stay up without a belt. Oh yeah, and see how they’ve learned to escape?
At least he’s learning to pull up his own pants.
Aransas, who could give birth any day, and made some great dinner, pouring the rest of us some really nice tequila that she brought back from Mexico.
More with Noah and the fancy shoes…
Thanks, as always to the Savas’s for having us over.
...according to Kreg
Oct 14 2010
Stopping by to see Opa (and Nana) before we run off to Ikea.
Noah laughing at me because we went to Ikea to get all kind of stuff to outfit my office, but left empty handed. Typical.
Post-nap-bike-ride-zoo-meet-up with Benoit, Julia, and Louis.
Model citizen.
Turtle boys.
Right before this photo, I was holding Noah’s hands so he could jump onto a fake lily pad, and instead he jumped right into the water. I lost parenting-points with Kate (I’m now in negative numbers) and Noah got some wet feet.
Noah and Louis playing around with the gate to the tiger cage.
Noah pretending to run into the tiger cage.
Kate catching Noah as he runs into the tiger cage.
Just kidding…Â There aren’t any tigers.
Using the sunset to dry Noah’s shoes.
Post bath.
...according to Kreg
Oct 12 2010
Scenes from Long Island.
The other weekend we went out to see Dave, Michele, (newborn) Veronica, and birthday boy Sebastian.
Dude really got some presents!
Jen was there!
So was Caitlin, who pushed, pulled, and picked up Noah on or into anything he wanted.
So good.
Pretty good.
Sebastian and cousins.
Kate and friends.
Lou and bugs.
Michele and cake!
Just one more of cake eating…
Grandfathers and a piñata.
Noah saying goodbye and thank you to Caitlin.
Thanks Dave and Michele for inviting us out!
...according to Kreg
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