More with the picnicing and the fanciness

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Trash monster!

Tornado evidence!


Some really amazing trees took a beating.

Pizza gets fancy

Eating, Fancy, Fashion, Friends, Trouble 4 Comments »

A couple Friday’s ago we went over to see Andy, Aransas, and Savannah for dinner.

After dinner…

Noah said, “Bye bye!”

I was laughing so hard it was tough to focus.

Ten minutes later these two opened the front door and ran down the hallway…  trouble.

Big mess

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A couple weeks back we had a pretty powerful storm, which may or may not have include a tornado.  I was out in it, on my way to pick up Lil’ Dude, and had to take cover even though I had an umbrella and rain jacket on.

A few days after the storm we were on our usual weekend routine of walking to the playground to play when we started to see fallen trees everywhere.  Even some important shade-bearing trees at the playground took a hit.

The playground, with half of it blocked off by the fallen trees, was pretty busy so we went to see what other damage we could find.

Big job cleaning up for this dude with only a little saw.

Luckily our apt., car, friends, family, bikes, skateboards, snowboards, and tv all survived the storm unscathed.