Random flicks from a Saturday

Art, Chilling, Friends, Partying, Sleep Add comments

Last Saturday morning.  Joshua Deaner was in town for an art book fair, and Ryan and Ellen invited us down for bagels.  Oliver and his parents Kate and Grant came over too.

Ryan and Ellen’s cats getting creative with their hiding places.

Ryan showed us a slideshow of their recent bike trip (Noah, nonplussed).

When Ryan broke out his Lego collection I knew we had to go.  One more minute and Noah would have turned that thing upside down.

On the drive to Chelsea.

“Noah!  Time to look at some art!”

Later at the playground, stuck finger.

Found bike made gender neutral.

In a moment of excitement, Noah ran up to hug my leg, and caught my camera in his forehead…

Then Joshua’s parents (Ellie and Dennis) and brothers (Rob on the left, and Jon on the right) showed up out of nowhere.  3 of the men in this photo took part in the NYC Marathon the next day.  Joshua was not one of them.  Neither was Noah.

After lunch, back in our ‘hood.

Fun with traffic cones.

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