Waking up in Boston

Eating, Friends, Gear, Partying, Travel Add comments

Modern parenting.

After we all wake up, we drive to Natick to see The Charests.


Ben’s skis!


Noah wanted his cinnamon roll on the firetruck.

It was a quick visit, we had to get back to NYC to watch The Pats lose.

Fast forward about 4 hours…


Surprisingly, even Savannah in her Patriots cheerleader outfit couldn’t get our team into the game.

Thanks for breakfast Mark, Sarah, Ben, and Tyler!!  Thanks to The Savas’s for having us over to watch the last Patriots game of the season.

One Response to “Waking up in Boston”

  1. charest Says:

    Nice post! We now have 3x more snow than in these pics. I’m running out of room to pile snow. Ben can’t play in the snow or I’d lose him!