Valentines Day Pajama Party
Eating, Exercise, Friends, Holidays, Partying, Sappy, School Comments Off on Valentines Day Pajama PartyNoah’s school had a pajama party for Valentines Day yesterday. We will begin our coverage with photos by Noah’s mother, Katherine.
The post-nap spread…
I covered the second half of this party which continued in the gym with stories by Ms. Gladys.
Then just a free for all climbing, jumping, and singing session.
Lil Dude with Logan, Alex, and Audrey singing “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”… as they jumped…
After a quick stop at Opalia, Noah and I were ready to shower Kate/Mom with gifts.
Happy Valentines Day…
Sunday was chore day. Not very exciting, but at least we had good weather.
See the excitement on Noah’s face?
The laundromat is still decorated for Chinese New Year.
Later we opened the Valentines Day presents that Auntie Mindy sent.
Donked out Valentines Day Hot Wheels.
Thanks for the book, and the cars, and the candy Auntie Mindy!!
Mae Molly Hsiao was born at 9:21PM on February 12th, 2011, Weighing in at 7lbs 10oz. – The Jemanda Blog
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