Songs Auntie Mindy taught

Auntie Mindy, Sappy Add comments

Unprompted crooning while I changed a dirty diaper.

6 Responses to “Songs Auntie Mindy taught”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    OH NOAH!!!! You know exactly how to melt my heart!!!! I love you so much. I have sang this song ever since the day I met you in person at 3 weeks old and I know your mom helps keep it fresh in your mind to. We love you so much. You are truly amazing. I am sure you daddy has a big smile on his heart and face to. So so so sweet! I miss you. Love AM XO

  2. Jermandy Says:

    This. Is. The. Cutest. Post. EVER. ever. ever.

    Thanks Noah x Aunt Mindy!


  3. Nathan Says:

    Amazing – bummed there is no video though!

  4. Moira Says:

    Ditto to Jermandy….period.

  5. Kat Says:

    So sweet!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. nana holt Says:

    watch out justin bieber here comes noah.