Mar 09 2011
…there is just something about Noah using my phone, it trips me out.

Playing “puzzles” as I change his diaper.

...according to Kreg
Mar 08 2011
Good morning Mom! Is that video about firetrucks too loud?

After breakfast we hiked up to the Brooklyn Museum of Art in the rain.

Then… a leaky diaper ended our visit.

Noah was probably in heaven though, pant-less with a fuzzy blanket eating crackers? Sounds good to me.

...according to Kreg
Mar 07 2011
On Saturday we went met up with Savannah before heading over to Isaac’s house to help him turn 3.

Shy friends…




Issac’s brand new sister August.

Pinata time.


We offered to bring Savannah home for her parents, 5 seconds later she had two cupcakes… crafty.


Thanks for inviting us over Isaac, and Happy Birthday!
...according to Kreg
Mar 02 2011
After visiting the Museum of Natural History, we kicked back with some pumpkin cupcakes(!) and a little Nascar.

Noah got his balloon stuck.

Mom the rescuer.

Later, Nana and Opa came over for dinner and Noah got his first taste of the “kid’s table”.

...according to Kreg
Mar 01 2011
Haha. You like that title? Cheap little jab at my parents, even after they were patient with their grumpy son (me) as we all watched Noah run around the museum excited by everything he saw.

Two precious pearls.

You saw this right?

Such an amazing museum. I have a feeling we’ll get to know it really well.
...according to Kreg
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