Makin’ Cookies

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Noah spent a messy Saturday, being messy, making Easter cookies with his mom.

An early Easter present from Auntie Mindy

Auntie Mindy, Gear, Holidays, Psyched 2 Comments »

Being the amazing Aunt that she is, Auntie Mindy sent Noah a big ole box for Easter. On Friday we opened it.

A present for everyone!

Easter eggs filled with Play-Doh.

Noah’s first backpack, filled with finger-paint and colored bubbles!

Noah went right to the couch with a farm animal themed coloring book that he called the “Old McDonald” book.


Thanks Auntie Mindy!! Amazing gifts, as always!


Chris’ Birthday

Eating, Exercise, Friends, Gear, Learning, Milestones, Partying, Psyched, Sports 4 Comments »

Last Saturday Noah and I went to City Ice Pavilion in Long Island City for Chris’ Birthday Party.

Chris and his friends.

I wore my special ice skating tights, to help me jump higher.

Miles brought some friends too.

Noah wasn’t into the skates at all, and it took a lot of coaxing. Our first go was pretty wobbly so we took a break and had some lunch.

With renewed strength, lil’ dude was a little more adventurous. Tim skated with him so I could get some flicks.

Cake time.


After cake we went back to the rink and Noah, hopped up on sugar, kept pushing my hands away as I tried to skate with him. With my hands free, I couldn’t help but take some flicks with my phone…

…and a quick vid, before/as I got yelled at.

Happy Birthday Chris! Thanks for inviting us!

Pictures from dinner

Chilling, Eating, Friends Comments Off on Pictures from dinner

Last Friday night, Andy and Aransas invited us, along with Sara’s parents, Irga and Doug, over for dinner. When Noah and I got there, Savannah was already passing out appetizers.


Noah and Sara had high hopes for sitting at “the grown up table”…

“Hopes” smashed.

It’s a picnic kids!

Thanks for having us over Andy and Aransas!

A Giant Rabbit

Bummed, Friends, Holidays Comments Off on A Giant Rabbit

The other weekend, to shake off the depression of Nana and Grampa leaving, we brought Noah to Ft. Greene Park for an Easter Egg Hunt.

Not psyched.

Leo, from day care, was there with his parents, but even Leo couldn’t get Noah into it.

Amelia was was there too, and even though it doesn’t look like it form this picture, she was into it.

It’s cool, we’ll try again next year.