Chris’ Birthday

Eating, Exercise, Friends, Gear, Learning, Milestones, Partying, Psyched, Sports Add comments

Last Saturday Noah and I went to City Ice Pavilion in Long Island City for Chris’ Birthday Party.

Chris and his friends.

I wore my special ice skating tights, to help me jump higher.

Miles brought some friends too.

Noah wasn’t into the skates at all, and it took a lot of coaxing. Our first go was pretty wobbly so we took a break and had some lunch.

With renewed strength, lil’ dude was a little more adventurous. Tim skated with him so I could get some flicks.

Cake time.


After cake we went back to the rink and Noah, hopped up on sugar, kept pushing my hands away as I tried to skate with him. With my hands free, I couldn’t help but take some flicks with my phone…

…and a quick vid, before/as I got yelled at.

Happy Birthday Chris! Thanks for inviting us!

4 Responses to “Chris’ Birthday”

  1. nana holt Says:

    great job noah. your already a better skater than grampa.

  2. Aunt Mindy Says:

    Noah, I am so proud of you!!!! I love this! Great job! I love and miss you. XO AM

  3. Will NHL Scout Says:

    Just contacted my friend, goalie coach for the Dallas Stars. Whenever you’re ready, Noah
    We like to meet to discuss your options. Minimum salary $900,000.

  4. Joan Says:

    Noah looks pretty comfortable on the ice. He is adorable!
    Best to all of you