Saturday with The Deaner’s and Mia Mae

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Saturday morning The Deaner’s came over, and after saying goodbye to Kate (who went to Aunt Lisa’s baby shower), we walked up to The Brooklyn Flea.

“Flea” food.

After “the Flea” we had a little playground time.

Then we met up with some friends in Williamsburg.

Al, Sam, and Al’s son Rocco.

Amanda posing with “Big” Jim.


Sam and Joshua.

After the bar, and without a nap, we went back to our neighborhood for Mia Mae’s birthday party.

Spaced out kids. Juice and crayons couldn’t get them going.

Audrey and her dad Carlos, handing out high-fives.

This is when both Mia Mae and Noah lost it… too much attention/lack of naps led to meltdowns so Noah and I left for home.

Great to see The Deaners, and Happy Birthday Mia Mae! Thanks for inviting us!


2 flicks from Friday Night

Bummed, Chilling, Gear, Hygiene, Stress 2 Comments »

Friday night I picked up Noah from school and we met up with Joshua, Amanda, and Julian (and Kate) on the Upper West side. Unfortunately for you, Noah and I both failed. I failed to take many photos..

..and Noah failed to remember that he wasn’t wearing a diaper.


Eating, Exercise, Family, Grandparents, Holidays, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Comments Off on Easter!

Easter morning, a bucket left for Noah…

After we tore apart the Easter Bucket, and got cleaned up, we walked over to Nana and Opa’s for lunch with the family.

Victoria (who Noah calls “Micky”).

Custom eggs, as always.

Another bucket/basket left for Noah at Nana’s.

A little walk after lunch.

Uncle Matt banged up his knee, so Noah coached him to the park.

Playing with some parachutes.

Our audience.

Hug-fest, as always.

Back at Nana and Opa’s we dug into the cookies that Kate and Noah made the day before.

Mmm… Holidays…