Father’s Day/Opa’s Birthday

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Declan, Eating, Family, Grandparents, Holidays, Partying, Theater, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Add comments

Tough year for Birthdays in the Urban Clan. Kate and Uncle Bugs’ Birthday was on Mother’s Day, and Opa’s Birthday fell on Father’s Day this year. To celebrate all this craziness, we crashed in on Emmett (who was celebrating his first Father’s Day), Lisa (Who has to wait a whole year for her first Mother’s Day), and 9 day old Declan.

Lil’ Napper.


Urban men.

This is the moment when Emmett figured it all out…

Emmett’s pretty good with those tongs.

Meanwhile in the backyard, the hero of our story was waging a battle of his own.

The happy (sleepy) couple.

Thanks to Emmett and Lisa for having us all over.

I also want to thank the place where I dropped of this computer to be fixed last Monday. What was going to be a 2-3 day repair turned into a stressful and agonizing 6 days.

2 Responses to “Father’s Day/Opa’s Birthday”

  1. nana holt Says:

    so happy for Emmett and Lisa. Hope to meet the newest of the Urban’s soon.

  2. Moira Says:

    Thanks for the family scoop, Kreg!! Much love to you, Kate and Noah!!