Jun 11 2011
Still more flicks from Saturday. In all I shot 757 photos on Saturday, so just be psyched I could whittle it down to a few posts. I probably shot 500 flicks just on/of/near the balcony.
These colored bubbles are a disaster.
Dinner on the balcony!
Brushing teeth (You can’t do everything on the balcony).
...according to Kreg
Jun 10 2011
Saturday afternoon, after mourning the loss of Auntie Mindy’s camera and cursing the lack of a nap for Noah…
Trying on Aunt Mindy’s “ears”.
For Kate.
Saturday, Part IV coming soon…
...according to Kreg
Jun 09 2011
Saturday afternoon in Charlotte with Aunt Mindy.
As Noah tried to nap, Kate, Mindy, and I sat on the balcony. While we were talking, Mindy’s camera slipped off her lap slid through the railing, and fell twenty-one stories to the street below.
Luckily no one was hit.
Kate’s head showing us where the camera fell from.
The memory card and battery survived, but that’s it.
...according to Kreg
Jun 08 2011
Friday night, our first night in Charlotte, was a little rough. Noah had pressure in his ear from the airplane and it took a while to make him feel better. Needless to say, we were pretty slow to get started Saturday morning.
Blowing bubbles is way more fun 21 floors up.
After breakfast and bubbles, we went Discovery Place Kids. We learned about things like farm work..
..and banking,
…and boating,
..and what it feels like to sit in the seat of an annoying Nascar drivers (just Google, Kyle Busch is annoying and you’ll see what I mean).
Sappy people waiting to pick up lunch.
Back to the balcony.
Kate has to have all 10 fingers on a sandwich when she eats. True story.
...according to Kreg
Jun 08 2011
Welcome to the world Declan James Urban. Born at 2:24 am and he’s 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. Aunt Lisa says that “He is perfect in every way but he is in the NICU for low blood sugar and will remain there for at least 48 hours”.
We are psyched to meet him.
(photos coming soon.)
...according to Kreg
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