Saturday on Long Island

Friends, Partying, Travel, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs) Add comments

We had an action packed Saturday. After a run in the morning, we packed it up and drove out to meet up with Kim and her family at a block party.

Noah with Kim’s husband Mark.

Then it was off to see Michelle, Dave, Sebastian and Veronica.

It was Veronica’s First Birthday.

Noah with Erika.

Jumping with Sebastian.

Last stop was Uncle Matt’s house (a.k.a. Uncle Bugs).

Catching fireflies.

One Response to “Saturday on Long Island”

  1. Moira Says:

    I’m taking a photography course and it’s blowing my mind…leaving me wondering how I can function in the world (hold down a job, drive a car..shoot, make a simple sandwich)…I’ve always thought you were amazingly talented and now, that I have the minimal knowledge that I have (which seeps out of my head the moment it enters)… I now think you’re a GENIOUS!!! You are amazing! Thank you for sharing!!
    Your idot cousin (LOL),