Doing Dumbo

Animals, Art, Chilling, Exploring, Fancy, Friends, Shopping, Sleep, Theater Add comments

Couple Saturdays ago.

Mo’ stole Noah.

Roaming knife sharpener.

Kate, hiding out in the drugstore.

Noah hiding out while Kate shopped.

Dumbo and the great new carousel.

Oh hey, a gorilla…

Oh hey! Derby!

Savannah wasn’t into the carousel.

A show. This lady, on the left, drove a nail into her nose. Real kid friendly stuff.

This dude juggled knives on a rope made of toilet paper.

Noah giving Savannah a graffiti tour.

Then there was this.


2 Responses to “Doing Dumbo”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    Noah and Savannah could make me cry- so cute together. Next time walk on the outside of her xoxo jk I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AM

  2. Nana holt Says:

    Thank you so much for the pictures they are so nice