Hey Noah! Jasper called & wants you to go ice fishing….Noah “ok I will try it”
Chilling Add commentsWe bring out the best in one another. I miss you already Nephew Noah. Remember I am the luckiest Auntie Mindy  in the world and you are the luckiest Noah Holt!
We jumped in the truck with Nana and Grampa and headed to 2nd Logan. Noah thought perhaps we would see a Walrus, Penguins or Polar Bear Tracks……
As for those animals…..we didn’t even catch a fish…We tricked them though by “faking” a FLAG! If you hit the trap easy you can make the flag go up and trick people….we wanted to try(or maybe just I wanted Noah to yell “Flag” and have a bunch of grown men run away from the warm fire)
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