Mother’s Day All Day Every Day.

Art, Eating, Exercise, Family, Friends, Grandparents, Holidays, Learning, Partying, Sports, Technology, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Add comments

We started Mother’s Day with a Dad dominated soccer practice. Noah was slow to get into it.


Enzo on sticker duty.

Surprising mom with flowers after her yoga class.

Cleaned up and then on the bus to meet The Urban fam.

We ordered rainbows for Kate and Nana T.

…and lots of sun.

…and a couple of photographers to document the occasion.



Then down to Red Hook for the BWAC show that Nana T. helps to put together.

Noah was psyched because a lot of the good work was on the floor.

It was really hard to keep Noah away from these crayons.

This is a face, drooling or throwing up, not sure.

Some of the prints Nana T. was showing.

Filthy boy.

So Kate has a new phone… I think you’ll be seeing a lot of it…

This woman rescues birds, she showed Noah her newest patient.

Happy Mother’s Day to Kate and Nana T.! Thanks for all they do!

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