Photos seen, photos taken in Dumbo

Art, Exploring, Gross Comments Off on Photos seen, photos taken in Dumbo

Last Thursday I picked Noah up from school and brought him to Dumbo with me to see a couple photo shows.


First stop, Powerhouse where they are hosting the New York Photo Festival.

Noah climbed up on the stage, assumed he was lecturing… He wasn’t.

Second stop was Rabbithole Gallery, for a show with Emiliano Granado, Anouk Kruithof, and Julieta Sans.

Noah played a quick jam for them.

Third stop, the playground.

Not sure what this exhibit was called.


Many rocks thrown.

Heading home.

Kids find the dirtiest places.

Mother’s Day All Day Every Day.

Art, Eating, Exercise, Family, Friends, Grandparents, Holidays, Learning, Partying, Sports, Technology, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim Comments Off on Mother’s Day All Day Every Day.

We started Mother’s Day with a Dad dominated soccer practice. Noah was slow to get into it.


Enzo on sticker duty.

Surprising mom with flowers after her yoga class.

Cleaned up and then on the bus to meet The Urban fam.

We ordered rainbows for Kate and Nana T.

…and lots of sun.

…and a couple of photographers to document the occasion.



Then down to Red Hook for the BWAC show that Nana T. helps to put together.

Noah was psyched because a lot of the good work was on the floor.

It was really hard to keep Noah away from these crayons.

This is a face, drooling or throwing up, not sure.

Some of the prints Nana T. was showing.

Filthy boy.

So Kate has a new phone… I think you’ll be seeing a lot of it…

This woman rescues birds, she showed Noah her newest patient.

Happy Mother’s Day to Kate and Nana T.! Thanks for all they do!

Movement Demonstation

Chilling, Exercise, Friends, Partying, School, Sports, Theater 2 Comments »

On Friday Noah’s school put on a demonstration of all the exercises they have learned with Lava, a local yoga studio. They started with a younger class where the kids would go around their circle of friends either running or as a bear.


Noah’s class, circle claps that were trickier than they look here.

Pencil jumps.

Running around raising their knees high.


Later, outside.

The weather was nice, and Noah was out of school early so we went to the Underhill Playground.

We hadn’t been there in a while, and Noah ran to all the toys that he used to play with, except they were all smaller than they used to be.

Dinner out.

A Fire Chief’s Car

Chilling, Exercise, Exploring, Fancy, Friends, Psyched, Sappy, School, Stress 3 Comments »

Last week, picking Noah up at school.

Teacher styles.

Antagonizing ants.

On a different trip home from school, a week or so ago, Noah accidentally dropped a car off of a bridge and into the construction site below that is part of the new arena being built. Noah was really bummed, and I mentioned it to one of the guys that we see everyday (I think he’s a union rep). The guy then asked a construction worker working on the site to try and get it for him. On the way home from the park this day, he flagged us over and pulled out the car that Noah had lost. Cleaned and ready to roll.

Noah was so excited, and the man in the car who helped us get the car back, his name is also Noah.

Thank you Mr. Noah!

Sunday Soccer

Exercise, Friends, Gear, Learning, Sports, Stress Comments Off on Sunday Soccer

Last Sunday we met up with Leo and his dad on the way to soccer practice.

The drill where we throw the balls and the kids carry them back on their heads.

..or not.

Running the cones.

Then learning to make a “wall” to defend the goal on penalty kicks… jk. I don’t know what’s going on here.

This happens.

We all win.

The post practice playground party.