Zoo life

Animals, Exploring, Psyched Comments Off on Zoo life

The other weekend, visiting Noah’s favorite place.


The bat room.

Noah milking it, when we should really be heading home.

Meeting Caitlin

Aunt Lisa, Cousin Caitlin, Cousin Declan, Eating, Exercise, Family, Fashion, Friends, Milestones, Partying, Uncle Emmett Comments Off on Meeting Caitlin

The other weekend we drove out to Emmett and Lisa’s to meet someone new. Would Emmett and Lisa let us in? Would I have to sit outside?  Would they take our present and slam the door on us?

Caitlin Mea Urban! Born July 9th, she weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Kate admitted that she was a little psyched to shop for a girl.

Big brother Declan.

Big cousin Noah?

We hung out with Emmett, Lisa, and the kids for a while (I even got to wash our car) but we had a street party to get to (at a cops house? It’s a long story).


Noah and Julia, learning to clear a location SWAT team style.

Taking some friendly fire.

When you join “the force” the first thing they do is spray you in the face with mace right? This is kind of like that.

Caught some perps trying to wash “contraband” down the sink.


Water works

Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Sappy, Sup 1 Comment »

Aunt Mindy and Noah organizing early.

Real heat. The trees know.

Back at the apt., conversations about saying good-bye.

Great to see you Aunt Mindy, hopefully NYC is less of an inferno next visit.


Auntie Mindy, Friends, Grandparents, Sports Comments Off on Cyclones!

Our annual Cyclones trip organized by Ryan Russo.

Ryan’s name in lights.

Derby making some new friends.

Derby was having a rough day. Teeth can beat a person up and no one knows that more than Aunt Mindy, the dental hygienist.

Reluctantly dancing on the dug out.

Game over. Noah trying to leave before the fireworks start.

Special guest pick-up

Art, Auntie Mindy, Exercise, Psyched, Sappy, School 1 Comment »

Aunt Mindy!

Noah’s 4th of July art at school.

Playing hide and seek.


Park #2.