Animals loose in the zoo.

Animals, Eating, Exploring, Friends, School Add comments

Last week I was a chaperone for Noah’s class trip to the Prospect Park Zoo. Before we left, Ms. Yelena briefed the kids on how they should act.

A surfeit of kids making faces into my phone.

A muster of kids on the bus.

A rafter of kids looking at something, I don’t remember.

A cartload of kids look at a congress of Hamadryas Baboons.

A romp of kids try to destroying bird eggs.

A rookery of kids drawing.

Bat anatomy (a group of bats is called a colony, boring).

A shoal of fish getting harassed by a skulk of kids.

Sea lion feeding.

Tseday’s sister. I don’t need a reason.

Then the rain started.

A cackle of kids eating lunch a shrewdness of adults hoped the rain would let up.

Noah C.

The rain didn’t let up. Downpour.

It was a fun/wet bus ride back to school.

2 Responses to “Animals loose in the zoo.”

  1. Aunt Mindy Says:

    Great pics! I would totally be a chaperone one day!!!! See you soon. Do AM

  2. Kat Says:

    IMPRESSIVE use of collective nouns…an underused word set IMHO!

    Well played, sir.

    xoxo…cute pix, too!