Brooklyn birthday party

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Brooklyn Bridge park.

“Madagascar” theme.

I don’t remember them fishing for kids with donuts in Madagascar, but it’s all good.

Audrey’s always on to me.





Shy guy.

It was a beautiful day for sun bathing.

Tseday’s little sister.

Savannah and Alex.

Amelie and Noah C.

A gift from Uncle Tim and Leslie.

Thanks to everyone for coming out!

Soccer season

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Back to it!

Semi-organized chaos.

Crabs party

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A couple weeks ago walking over to Grant and Kate’s to eat some crabs. Sketchy sky making us walk a little faster.

The party was co-hosted by Ren’s mom Ellen.

Savannah provided the music.

Oliver was the… jester?

And Derby, the accountant.

Governors Island

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Quick trip to Governors Island. Just because we can.

Not New Hampshire.

The boy who had an endless number of birthday parties

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Back from NH and back to school (and work). A few days after getting back from NH, Kate and I brought cupcakes to Noah’s school to celebrate Noah’s birthday with his class.

Ms. Yelena had each of his friends tell him what they hope he gets for his birthday.



After the birthday party the kids all “moved up” to the next classroom where they would be starting Pre-kindergarten.

Ms. Ella won’t be moving up with the kids. She’s helped out in Noah’s classes for the last two years.

It got emotional.