Jul 31 2013
Out in Wantagh the other weekend for Caitlin’s first birthday.
It was hot, I almost had to drag Noah out of the AC.
Her royal highness.
Court jester.
Lil’ dude perked up when the rabbit came out.
Best dressed.
Good times.
...according to Kreg
Jul 29 2013
Over the 4th of July weekend, with the city still smoldering in the summer heat, we stopped by Jerry and Amanda’s to meet Leni.
Big sister Mae.
This guy.
Photo by Jerry.
After brunch we rode our bikes (did I tell you about the unbearable heat?) to Prospect Park.
Prospect Park Lake by the Audubon Center with a thick layer of algae (I blame the heat).
Throwing things.
...according to Kreg
Jul 22 2013
We were in town for the 4th of July weekend and needed to get out of the heat so we went up to Queens to show Kate around the New York Hall of Science.
Start off with some easy block building.
Some decorative skateboards.
Learning about pitch by drumming the rubber part of tube as Kate changes it’s length like a trombone.
Space cadet.
Checking out some cosmic rays.
...according to Kreg
Jul 19 2013
The day after the Cyclones game with the Charests, we took them to the Museum of Natural History because it’s cool.
For the record I was telling Noah that he couldn’t do this as I took the photo.
These two made out beneath this giant crab for a while. Strange.
Mark and Tyler in the disco elevator.
My doppelgänger.
Later we made cookies with the cookie cutters Aunt Mindy sent to Noah as a graduation present.
This was supposed to be a horse I think…
...according to Kreg
Jul 16 2013
The other weekend The Charests came down to spend the weekend with us.
We went out to Coney Island to ride some rides and watch a Cyclones game.
Tyler driving Noah and Ben around in a flying boat.
Train ride.
Sandy the Seagull with fans.
Hot dog race. Everyone picks their favorite condiment.
Relish? Who picks relish besides Kate…
This guy.
T-shirt toss.
After the game we tried to leave before the fireworks started, because Noah still isn’t a fan, but we didn’t quite make it.
...according to Kreg
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