Before school, with a “rollie pollie” in his bug case for show-and-tell.
After school, doing homework for the first time.
Life keeps getting more real for a 5 year old.
Noah Cardiel Holt | My life according to other people
The early days of Noah Cardiel Holt
Oct 21 2013
Before school, with a “rollie pollie” in his bug case for show-and-tell. After school, doing homework for the first time. Life keeps getting more real for a 5 year old.
Oct 18 2013
In Red Hook to see the newest BWAC show that Nana T. helped put together. Noah brought his bug net/collector/storage thing. This was a music box with a recording of a woman asking for help. One of Noah’s picks. One of Nana T.’s pieces. Jam band. After Red Hook we went to Ryan and Ellen’s for a crab feast. Their son Ren with his crabby shirt. Ryan brought out the medieval Lego’s for the kids. Scrappy dude. Grant feeding the people. Thanks Ryan and Ellen for hosting. Thanks to Grant for cooking.
Oct 17 2013
Noah’s 5th Brooklyn BirthdayArt, Eating, Family, Friends, Milestones, Partying, Psyched, Uncle Tim 1 Comment »For Noah’s 5th birthday, Brooklyn edition, he wanted to have everything be about sharks. Kate did a great job with it, not only with the decorations, but even carving her own version of the shark shaped watermelon that my cousin Julie made for Noah’s party up in NH. Savannah came dressed up as a shark attack victim. Sand art necklaces. Pizza. Cupcakes were a hit. Derby. Chester. Zion. Logan. Zion fishing for his mom. Cleo. Layla and her sweet card. Mihret’s collection of necklaces. Handing out goodie bags. Pretending like it’s not time to go. Leslie and Uncle Tim’s gift. An Iron Man glove that shoots foam washers… and shoots them far. Later we stopped by to see Ms. Amanda and Mae. A bit too forceful with the goodbye. Thanks to everyone for coming to Noah’s party, and thanks to Amanda for having us over.
Oct 16 2013
Messing around at South Oxford Park one warm day after school. Noah’s thing was to run around the park and randomly drop the water balloon, barely slowing down enough to see it break, or to notice the kids kissing on the bench. Bulk breakage. Snack.
Oct 15 2013
First day of kindergartenFamily, Grandparents, Learning, Milestones, Psyched, Sappy, School, Stress 2 Comments »Emotional day. First day of kindergarten at PS133. I didn’t get it, what was the big deal? Kate even had to convince me to go with them… I get/got it now. Moral of the story, don’t let that business suit keep you off your BMX bike. Ever. We picked up some more team members. Waiting in the cafeteria for Noah’s teacher. Showing Nana T. and Opa the new school supplies. Ms. Gamory (in the back with the yellow sweater) addressing the class. We weren’t sure who we would know at the new school, but then we saw Selah and Samantha who were both in Noah’s pre-k class. Saying goodbye. The first day was short, and went real smooth. Noah adjusted quicker than we did.
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