Ms. Wishy Washy
Animals, Art, Fashion, Friends, Gear, Learning, Psyched, Sappy, School, Theater Add commentsThe two Spanish Kindergarten classes in Noah’s school put on a play last week about a woman (played by a 5 year old) who has some troublesome farm animals (played by 5 year olds). Noah opened up the performance by welcoming everyone and giving them a quick rundown of the story, in English.
Noah’s classmate gave the Spanish version.
Paxton as Old MacDonald.
These ill behaved animals liked to play in the mud.
The pigs rolled in the mud…
Noah rolled out of the scene.
Wishy washing.
Ms. Chavez (the teacher of the schools other Spanish class) as stage coach.
The cast takes a bow.
Ms. Rabsatt (Noah’s teacher) thanking kids and the parents that helped build the set and costumes.
The kids waiting for parents to come up to the stage for photographs…
and hugs.
There may be video of this performance, I’ll keep you posted.
February 5th, 2014 at 8:37 pm
Hands down the cutest pig I ever saw! Good job Noah! Auntie loves you and misses you.
February 5th, 2014 at 8:41 pm
Thank you for the pictures they are so cute that would be great to get a video