Florida Vacation, Part 6 – Vacations end
Aunt Lisa, Family, Fancy, Grandparents, Sappy, Travel, Uncle Emmett, Uncle Matt (Uncle Bugs), Uncle Tim, Vacation Comments Off on Florida Vacation, Part 6 – Vacations endAt dinner the last night of our Florida vacation. Taking turns posing with a great sunset. Kate, Amy, Lisa, Riley (Amy’s daughter), and Kat (our ringleader).
Pat and Amy with their kids who all ripped it in the surf and skatepark all week.
Some members of the Urban/Holt clan
The next morning, bummed to say goodbye.
After we left New Smyrna Beach, and before we went to the airport, we had lunch at Uncle Jerry and Aunt Annette’s house in Orlando where Nana T. and Opa were staying. Noah and Moira wrote on their chalkboard.
Uncle Jerry brought out some old tickets to Disney World.
Kat, Uncle Jerry, and Moira.
Aunt Annette and Nana T. saying goodbye (or get out?) as we left for the airport.
Back in NYC, waiting for luggage.
Big thanks to Kat for inviting us, making all of the arrangements, and letting us use her car. Thanks to Uncle Jerry, Aunt Annette, Dede, Moira, Pat, and Amy for all their help and hospitality.
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