At the end of July, Honey, our downstairs neighbor, and sometime babysitter, was offered a job at the Boston Children’s Hospital. It’s a great opportunity for her, but meant she would be moving… We tried to milk our time together with dinner, and constant door knockings.
She had one last gift for Noah before she left, and was a good one…
It was all of the animals she would bring up to play with Noah’s animal collection. Amazing.
On Honey’s moving day, Noah’s face lost something too.
Guy (Honey’s brother) came from Texas to help. That’s love.
We’ll miss having you a floor away Honey!
September 4th, 2014 at 6:26 am
I love this post! Noah looks so happy with Honey! Maybe when he is at my house sometime we can go into to Boston and say hey to Honey! So sweet of her to give the animals. I am sure she will miss him and he will miss her. At least he has “Elmo” 🙂 GOOD LUCK HONEY and congrats!
October 12th, 2014 at 10:51 pm
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