Nov 11 2013
Art, Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Chilling, Family, Fancy, Fashion, Gear, Learning, Partying, Psyched, Sappy
After a night filled with spin art, Aunt Mindy and Noah woke up determined to tie dye shirts before Aunt Mindy drove back to NH. Here they are heading out for supplies.
Riding some laps in front of the Barclay’s Center.
At lunch, watching the Patriots game with sun in the eyes.
Back home.
Tying before dyeing.
Makeshift gloves.
Then it was time to say good bye.
It took a while.
No one was in a rush.
Thanks for the visit Aunt Mindy. It was great to have you here, as always!
...according to Kreg
Jul 04 2013
Amanda and Julian taking inventory of the shells collected as we pack up to leave Cape Cod.
The back window of our car (smelled bad).
Always use sunscreen.
Family portrait by Joshua Deaner.
One last look at the beach.
After a few hours we were in Milan, NH for Nana and Grampa Holt’s surprise anniversary party.
Aunt Mindy did a great job decorating the inn we rented for the party. be continued.
Happy Fourth of July!!
...according to Kreg
Jun 28 2013
Damp morning.
Talking with Nana Holt. It really felt like they were having a conversation for one of the first times.
Checking out the skatepark in Wellfleet.
Rolling Angry Birds down one of the banks.
Quick bakery stop.
Saying goodbye before I head back to NYC alone to shoot for a couple days.
...according to Kreg
Jun 06 2013
Sunday in Prospect Park hanging out with Tim, Ladonna, and Miles.
I had to leave those kids in the park to go take some photos in Williamsburg and just as was getting started I got a text that Noah took a dive bombing a hill on his scooter. Kate took him to the ER just to get him checked out.
He had a big old scrape on this knee…
..and a (mildly) fractured clavicle (collar bone).
Inventory. 1) Scraped up elbow. 2) Scraped up shoulder.
3) Scraped up knee. 4) Pudding’d up face.
He’s gonna take it easy for a little while, and even wear a sling at school to remind the other kids to look out for him. Plus he’ll milk the sympathy for all it’s worth. Smart boy.
...according to Kreg
Apr 19 2013
NH last weekend for Nana Alta’s memorial service.
After the service.
Back at Nana and Grampa’s.
Cruising around with Jasper.
With Zach.
Cruising with Dillon.
We miss you Nana Alta.
...according to Kreg
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