Tough week. Noah was home from school 3 of the 5 days. He would have a fever, then a burst of energy, but never much of an appetite. During one of those energetic bursts, we shut off all of the lights and played with these crazy cars.
Noah Cardiel Holt | My life according to other people
The early days of Noah Cardiel Holt
Feb 03 2012
Tough week. Noah was home from school 3 of the 5 days. He would have a fever, then a burst of energy, but never much of an appetite. During one of those energetic bursts, we shut off all of the lights and played with these crazy cars.
Feb 01 2012
Noah’s “not feel good” hurts today.
Jan 26 2012
Something changed at Noah’s school. It used to be that every kid was psyched to see their parents when they came to pick them up at the end of the day. Some, including Noah, would even come running up for a hug from time to time. These days, it feels like every parent has to convince their kids to not only leave day care, but get dressed. Some even have to convince their kids to walk home. Yesterday Noah hid behind the door to the classroom when I showed up. At least it ended well.
Jan 11 2012
2000 kids yelling at a giant red dog.Bummed, Friends, Theater Comments Off on 2000 kids yelling at a giant red dog.Field trip! There are lines in the city for everything. Things were already rolling when we got to our seats. The star of the show. Trust me when I tell you that every kid in this place was yelling as loud as they could. Except this dude… Who wasn’t psyched at all and wanted to leave. The end.
Nov 29 2011
Bringing the healing vibes in person.Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Chilling, Family, Grandparents, Stress Comments Off on Bringing the healing vibes in person.Yesterday, after 28 days in the hospital, Grampa Holt went home. Such a relief. Thanks to everyone who was pulling for him, and props to Auntie Mindy for spending the last week sleeping on a cot in Grampa’s room, helping out where she could and keeping everyone updated. Flashback to last Wednesday morning when we woke up in White River Junction, VT. We battled a freak snowstorm in hopes of helping Grampa battle the boredom of bouncing around hospital rooms for almost a month. Grampa’s last room had the best view. The doctors encouraged Grampa to walk as much as he could, so that we did. Grampa’s dob kit. A sign he was going to get out soon, you can’t keep a player down.
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