A Giant Rabbit

Bummed, Friends, Holidays Comments Off on A Giant Rabbit

The other weekend, to shake off the depression of Nana and Grampa leaving, we brought Noah to Ft. Greene Park for an Easter Egg Hunt.

Not psyched.

Leo, from day care, was there with his parents, but even Leo couldn’t get Noah into it.

Amelia was was there too, and even though it doesn’t look like it form this picture, she was into it.

It’s cool, we’ll try again next year.

Carolyn’s Funeral

Bummed, Family, Grandparents 2 Comments »


Running around the block a few times, getting some energy out.

Carolyn’s friend Donna carried this photo around with her all day (Carolyn is on the right..).

“Cleaning up”.




Bummed, Family, Grandparents Comments Off on Loss

This past weekend we lost Kate’s cousin Carolyn to a hard fought bout with cancer. On Sunday we went up to the Bronx to be with her girls (Nicole, Jessica, Victoria, and Michele) and Aunt Diana (Carolyn’s mom).

Playing “letters” with Vicky (who Noah has nicknamed “Mickey”).

Snow Day

Bummed, Exploring, Gear, Stress 4 Comments »

It’s been a pretty impressive year for snow in NYC.  Last week we got another 14 inches of snow, shutting down Noah’s school (and any work I was going to get done).  Daddy Day Care!!  Below is an account of the conversation I had with Noah over the course of morning.  Enjoy.

“Look how dope it looks outside Noah!”

“Look!  We are going to have to go out there and play around.”

” Bye Kate, have a good day at work!!”

“O.k. Noah, let’s go get ready!”

“What? Aren’t you psyched?!? Look at all the great snow.”

“Look at our car!”

“You’re not psyched!?!?  C’mon!”

“Here, get in this backpack and I’ll show you how great this is.”

“Look at the chains on the garbage truck!”

“Look at the bike!”

“Look at the barbed wire!”

“Look at the balloons!”

“Look at how bummed that car is!”

“Look, a snowboard!”

“Look, sledding”

“Do you want to go sledding? Put on these mittens so your hands don’t get cold.”

(Borrow a sled. Sledding. Camera dragging behind us.)

“Wasn’t that fun!”

“Ok, ok.  How about standing over here, Nana(s) will like this scene.”

“Fine… get back in the backpack…”

Me, “Look!”

Noah, “No look!”

One good thing that came from our adventure? A really good nap for Noah.

Peace NH…

Auntie Mindy, Bummed, Family, Grandparents, Holidays, Sappy, Travel Comments Off on Peace NH…

Never psyched to leave my parents house, but we had to head back to NYC.

Tough goodbyes.

Not my best flick, but this was a scene I saw almost every day for 18 years.

To make it worse, NYC was a mess.