Errands, park, chilling… Sunday as usual.

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To the hardware store we go.

Do scary giant fake rats sell glue traps?

So bored.

Noah wearing a Joyride hat that I think I’ve had since 10th grade.

Label happy

Chores, Gear, School 1 Comment »

Things at Noah’s new day care need to be labeled, so we bought a label maker and I spent some time with it.

Mr. Potato Head has teeth for hair.

Walking about

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Errands.  Definitely a recurring storyline.  Sometimes good things happen while taking care of these chores.  Sometimes you run into great florists like Phoebe with cute babies like Magalie.

One more..

Phoebe, Magalie, and Cal (husband, dad, photographer and during his down time, delivery man) were busy so we let them get back to work.  We made a stop at Sahadi, where you get a number and wait…  Noah tried to sabotage our place in line by destroying the piece of paper with our number on it.

Pickled whateves.

Messing around

Chilling, Chores, Exercise 3 Comments »

Noah and I were chilling last weekend, messing around with our camera’s, and waiting for Kate/Mom.

It was nice out though so we packed it up and went to the park.

Something wasn’t right with this swing, but we just couldn’t put our finger on it.

The second swing we tried worked a lot better.


The Farmer’s Market

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Saturday morning at The Farmers Market at (in?, on?) Grand Army Plaza.  It was a beautiful day and you could feel that spring would be here soon.

The snow, like the dirty champ it is, was hanging tough though.

Noah and I walked around checking things out while Kate picked up the food she needed.

Noah chased some pigeons, then a squirrel.

It’s kind of hard to see the squirrel in this shot, but he’s there, on a branch in the tree.

One more “temporally” stop, then home for lunch.